Marketing Strategy and Competitive Positioning
استراتژی بازاریابی و تثبیت موقعیت رقابتی
سال 2008 چاپ چهارم – انتشارات Prentice Hall
636 صفحه – PDF
قیمت 66 دلار – لینک کتاب در Amazon
book is about creating and sustaining superior performance in the
marketplace. It focuses on the two central issues in marketing strategy
formulation – the identification of target markets and the creation of a
differential advantage. The book includes new developments in strategic
thinking that have emerged in recent years. In particular, our approach
emphasizes the very different role that organizations are defining for
marketing as a strategic force rather than just as an operational
department. It also represents our goal of reaching a broader audience
to include strategic decision-makers as well as marketing specialists.
Some of the topics include service quality and relationship marketing,
networks and alliances, innovation, internal marketing and corporate
social responsibility. Greater emphasis is given to the development of
dynamic marketing capabilities, together with the need to reassess the
role of marketing in the organization as a critical process and not
simply as a conventional functional specialization.
The book structure
Part 1 is
concerned with the fundamental changes that are taking place in how
marketing operates in organizations and the increasing focus on
marketing as a process rather than as a functional specialization. The
central questions of the market orientation of organizations and the
need to find better ways of responding to turbulent and ambiguous
environments lead us to the proposal for market-led strategic management
and the framework for developing marketing strategy which provides the
structure for the rest of the book. Discussion of strategic marketing
planning provides the groundwork for two critical issues on which we
focus throughout this volume: the choice of market targets and the
building of strong competitive positions. We have also added new
materials on the resource-based view of marketing and the need for
dynamic marketing capabilities.
Part 2 deals
with the competitive environment in which the company operates.
Different types of strategic environment are first considered, together
with the critical success factors for dealing with each type. Discussion
then focuses on the ‘strategic triangle’ comprised of customers,
competitors and company. Ways of analysing each in turn are explored to
help identify the options open to the company. The emphasis is on
matching corporate resources, assets and capabilities to market
Part 3 examines
in more detail the techniques available for identifying market segments
(or potential targets) and current (and potential) positions.
Alternative bases for segmenting consumer and business markets are
explored, as are the data collection and analysis techniques currently
available. Selection of market targets through consideration of market
attractiveness and business strength is addressed.
Part 4 returns
to strategy formulation. The section opens with discussion of how to
create a defensible position in the marketplace. Three chapters are
concerned with specific aspects of strategy formulation and execution. A
new chapter on competing through the marketing mix has been included
for the fourth edition. This chapter examines the changing mix of
activities available to marketers in creating their competitive
positions. The roles of customer service in relationship-building and
innovation to create competitive advantage are discussed in depth.
Part 5 examines
implementation issues in more detail. The section includes new chapters
on strategic customer management and corporate social responsibility as
well as updated chapters on strategic alliances and networks, and
internal marketing.
Part 6 provides
our perspective on competition for the twenty-first century. The
various themes from the earlier parts of the book are drawn together in
order to identify the major changes taking place in markets, the
necessary organizational responses to those changes and the competitive
positioning strategies that could form the cornerstones of effective
future marketing.
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